local energy collaboration

Can Colorado Take Community Choice Energy to the Next Level?

Can Colorado Take Community Choice Energy to the Next Level?

The Colorado Public Utilities Commission (PUC) has been tasked by the Colorado legislature to recommend whether and how to implement Community Choice Energy (CCE).

California’s CCE experience has been rich in diversity and local/state decarbonization impact. California CCE generation portfolios are on track to become fully decarbonized in the next few years. The California CCE model was conceived and adopted two decades ago. It exploits economic options available at the time but allows little flexibility to capture economic, environmental and energy resilience benefits of local supply and infrastructure investment.

Nevertheless, Colorado and other states can adapt and expand California’s CCE model to facilitate 21st century energy policy implementation. Specific adaptations can result in greater reliance on local renewable electricity sources and electrification of local transportation. By adopting them Colorado can take CCE to the next level of public benefits and impact.

Local Gas and Electric Collaboration

Local Gas and Electric Collaboration

It is time to recognize that a successful transition to a future decarbonized and more secure and resilient local infrastructure can’t be done at the state level or in silos at any level.  It will depend on the expertise and capacities of both natural gas and electric utilities and their collaboration with counties and cities if it is to proceed as the fastest possible pace. 

Natural gas utility collaboration with cities and counties must receive policy attention at least comparable to collaboration involving electric utilities.  Current levels of reliability and resilience provided by natural gas utilities must carry forward continuously as hydrogen emerges as an enabler of the energy sector transition of the 21st Century. 

A Collaborative Vision for Clean Local Energy  

In case you missed it, collaboration is in vogue these days, despite, or perhaps because of, partisan divides. 

Collaboration among public institutions is essential when change is required.  Especially when the institutions are mutually dependent. For example, if counties and cities encourage the adoption of new technologies that use or produce energy locally, planning and delivery of energy utility services is affected. If energy utilities offer programs that engage their customers in changing the energy infrastructure inside buildings or vehicles, local governments must account for these changes in their code enforcement, project permitting, and non-energy infrastructure planning and maintenance activities.

What’s seems to move the local carbon footprint needle best and fastest is the cumulative effect of a lot of individual decisions US families and businesses are mostly free to make.  At a minimum they require good credit and modest, prudent initiative.  Local governments and energy utilities can make such decisions easier or harder.  Easier if they collaborate.  Much harder if they don’t.  What would local energy collaboration look like if it became the norm across the US?  To read more, click here.

State Policies for Local Energy Collaboration

A year ago, IRESN launched a project to identify state policies that would kick-start purposeful city/utility collaboration.  Project advisors pointed out the crucial role counties could play.  So, the project title changed to “local energy collaboration”. The Local Energy Collaboration Project illuminated ten target areas for collaboration, plus some preliminary policy ideas for consideration by states, energy utilities, counties and cities.  A draft report is under review.  For the executive summary, click here.  For the full draft report, click here.  For a webinar and slide deck covering the high points, click here and here

Integrated Energy Policy.  We plan to complete the report review process while reaching out to states.  Our first state outreach step was to comment on the scope of California’s Integrated Energy Policy Report.  To read more, click here.

Local Collaboration for Energy Resilience and Sustainability

As the energy sector in the US decentralizes, decarbonizes, democratizes, demonopolizes and digitizes, city/utility collaboration will pay huge dividends.  But there is not yet strong, explicit policy support for it in most states.  State legislatures and agencies have close relationships with state regulated utilities and local jurisdictions.  So, state policy may be the key.  States have the necessary relationships and authorities to set expectations and conditions for city/utility collaboration. 

IRESN's project to inform state policy on the topic is progressing and on track to provide initial recommendations in early 2019.  To read more, click here

Local Energy Collaboration: An Emerging Priority

Local Energy Collaboration: An Emerging Priority

There is anecdotal evidence of the need for collaboration. For proponents of local clean energy resources there is an even more basic question. Why energy resources that are both clean and local? The case is compelling.

Simply put, local¹ clean energy resources are happening, unevenly around the world, mostly, except for California, outside the US. They come in many sizes. So do utilities. So do cities. Maybe we need a common denominator if we are to connect dots more strategically and less anecdotally.