Smart Cities and Community Choice Energy

Smart Cities and Community Choice Energy

IRESN Comments to the California Public Utilities Commission Hearing on  Community Choice Aggregation Issues, February 1, 2017

The on-going rapid expansion of Community Choice Energy (Community Choice) in California is a breakthrough opportunity for successful deployment of economic, efficient and environmentally responsible local energy resources into competitive energy markets.

Shopping Local for Energy

Shopping Local for Energy

Does common sense apply to energy?  Would it be a plus for a community’s economy to shop local for energy?

Let’s take a look at the big picture.  Dollars are shipped out of town for each unit of energy that comes in.  They flow to regional utilities, wholesale fuel suppliers, then all the way down their supply chains, no part of which is typically local.  The outflow is economically significant.  When spread over the US population, annual energy costs were $3,461 per person[2].  This is about 10% of the per capita annual income in the little town in the Sierras mentioned above.[3]

Are Renewable Energy Subsidies an Unprecedented Budget Buster?

Are Renewable Energy Subsidies an Unprecedented Budget Buster?

Subsidies from government to new technologies or industries date back hundreds of years in the U. S. The purpose of subsidies is generally to give exciting new technologies a boost in helping fund the cost of starting up until its’ cost of production is competitive with older, less desirable methods. Subsidies keep prices for consumers below market levels or for producers above market levels, or reduce costs for consumers and producers. Subsidies have also been introduced to increase production of a product whose national need has increased due to war or other national calamity.

Intermittency — Marketing Term or Misunderstanding?

When I arrived back in California in 2007, a study was underway to determine whether renewable electricity could feasibly contribute 33% of California’s electricity supply portfolio by 2020.  The study had been commissioned in the wake of California’s first renewable portfolio law, which called for 20% of the state’s electricity to be “renewable” by 2010.  At the time, according to a definition of “renewable” that excluded the state’s fleet of large hydro-electric power plants, renewable electricity accounted for less than 10% of California’s annual electricity usage.  The law was enacted in 2002.

The “Intermittency Analysis Project”, under the leadership of Dora Yen-Nakafugi at the California Energy Commission, had taken a lot of effort and time, due to the complexity of project scoping and modeling necessary for a credible result.  Meantime, there had been adjustments in the portfolio standard, in part to lower the bar as to timing, in part to raise it as to percentage.  An executive order by California’s governor had added an aspirational standard of 33% by 2020, which eventually became the legal and regulatory standard for to the state’s investor owned utilities.  So, part of the project’s challenge also had to do with a moving legislative and regulatory target.

The study concluded that the 33% standard could be met without major changes in the state’s bulk electricity delivery infrastructure, aka the “transmission grid”.[1]

So, state agencies having jurisdiction over grid operation began to consider how their work and responsibilities would be affected if the standard were implemented.  In the humorous but all too true “Six Phases of a Project”, the third phase is listed as either “panic” or “total confusion”.  Something like this ensued.  At the beginning, data was crunched and published emphasizing randomness in the variability of wind power production at a specific site in California.  The point seemed to be that some increased level of electricity generation “intermittency” might be feasible, but it would have profound and scary implications for grid operators.

The point of this blog topic is not to analyze intermittency scariness.  There are several important and technically sound responses that focus on managing the issue rather than fretting over it.  A body of detailed and independent analysis addressing the concern has blossomed and has pointed to important mitigating factors.

One technical point that continues to be overlooked in all of this is that electricity grids have always been designed and operated to accommodate an inevitably high degree of variability in both localized and regional demand.  In other words, the state’s grid already handles significant “intermittency” in one fundamental dimension quite satisfactorily.  The proper strategy going forward is to deal with overall supply and demand “variability”.  For example, it will be quite feasible to expand the use of demand response measures, time of use pricing and smart grid information.  These measures can significantly increase predictability and reduce variability in aggregate demand, thus opening a wider window for variability on the supply side.

What I overlooked for a long time was the use of “intermittency” as a political marketing term to discourage policies supportive of renewable energy deployment.  The intended message to the public was, “You don’t want your power to be intermittent, do you?” to hark back to an earlier blog, Words Do Matter.  At a minimum, people and organizations favorably disposed toward renewable energy should avoid the terms “intermittent renewables” and “intermittency”.  They imply a problem for which there is no solution.  This is far from the truth.

Yes, it is true that solar and wind resources are variable.   Typical levels of variability, and even the occasional “perfect storm” of coincident and compounding supply and demand ramps, are quite manageable in thoughtfully designed market structures using modern information resources.  The proper immediate course is to make full use of new solar and wind forecasting tools that enable grid operators to plan for the inevitable and daily variations.  (Our compliments to Jim Blatchford at CAISO for leadership in this direction.)

In the US and California, long term electricity supply planning is increasingly neglected under a questionable assumption that market outcomes are unpredictable, and current market structures can continue to serve us well in the long term.  This is a mistake.  Cost effective strategies will be available to accommodate ever increasing renewable electricity percentages.  But these strategies won’t be deployed in 20th century business as usual market structures.  They should be the focus of increased attention to long term electricity system planning.  Each strategy needs its own discussion.  Future blogs will take them on one by one.

For now, let renewable energy advocates agree to stop validating the marketing messages of renewable energy opponents.

– Gerry Braun

© 2012 The IRES Network

Words Do Matter

In a drawer of my closet is pretty pastel green T-shirt decorated with images of a wind turbine and a bicyclist and the words “alternative energy”.  I keep it because it was a gift from a family member who knew of my work in renewable energy.  I want to honor the loving thought.  I don’t wear it, because it conveys a message I don’t want to endorse.

Companies don’t market their products as the next best thing to someone else’s.  The association with the term “alternative lifestyles” was probably intended by whoever coined “alternative energy”. Alternative energy would be associated with the peculiar choices of a small, harmless minority.

The American public is generally unaware of the explosive growth of the global renewable energy industries over the past decade.  These industries invest in factories and jobs, and as we are quite well aware, factories, local businesses and jobs are not an alternative in the current economy.  Quite possibly the term continues to be used because it is how certain industries want us to think about energy sources that would reduce their market share.

I suggest that renewable energy advocates stop using the term alternative energy.  We should do so as a matter of reducing the impediments facing a whole spectrum of industries that needs to coalesce and stay on a fast growth curve, if they are to ultimately win the economic competition with politically powerful incumbents.  Those who prefer a more “in your face” approach could start using the term “non-destructive” as a more accurate substitute for “alternative energy”.

I’ve become more conscious of the negative images created by terms used by renewable energy opponents.  Each needs its own discussion.  Future blogs will take them on one by one.

– Gerry Braun

© 2012 The IRES Network

Smart, Clean and Local Energy Technologies for Davis

Smart, Clean and Local Energy Technologies for Davis

California leads the US in deploying smaller renewable power systems.  The economics are shifting to make the smaller systems cost competitive with the large “utility-scale” generators that have long dominated the power grid. Global market trends now favor decentralized renewable energy deployment, featuring thousands and even millions of individual renewable generators and energy storage devices. 

This transformation is forming the basis of a 21st century electricity system that will be increasingly decentralized, enabling local jurisdictions like Davis to have great flexibility.  We’ll be able to determine our sources and uses of energy so as to achieve our sustainability goals while keeping energy costs affordable. 

Community Choice: More Than Excellent?

Community Choice: More Than Excellent?

With a majority of eligible cities moving forward, Community Choice Energy In California has the vague feel of a third party movement, or even perhaps an insurgency.  As yet there is no acknowledged problem to which it presents an obviously necessary solution.  As yet there is no clearly articulated statement of the opportunity it creates both the state and its communities.  What is local jurisdiction mobilization to decarbonize local energy infrastructure needed?

Problem and opportunity.  Best to start looking at both sides of the coin.

Energy Finance: A Brief History

Energy Finance: A Brief History

Looking back through the short history of man's use of and eventually dependence upon electricity illustrates the nature and complexity of this evolution, how it's organized and how it's financed. In California as in the US, mature, centralized electrical energy grid infrastructures exist. Transitioning to clean, climate friendly and smarter electricity systems means bringing innovative, capital intensive, and increasingly decentralized power sector infrastructure on stream.

The Climate Emergency

The Climate Emergency

Terrorist attacks in Paris.  Climate talks in Paris.  Which got saturation level media coverage?  The terrorist attacks, of course.  They were about life and death. 

And yet, so were the climate talks.  A lot more lives.  A lot more deaths.  Just not good fodder for action movies and the daily news cycle.

What I know about the Paris conference I learned from colleagues who participated. 

Imagining Global Climate Action: The Patchwork Project

Imagining Global Climate Action: The Patchwork Project

We immediately notice, not one integrated project, but a lot, hundreds, thousands, of aspirational initiatives scattered about.  Generally, they aim to reduce “carbon footprints”.  For example, some California jurisdictions and agencies have goals to achieve some dimension of “carbon neutrality” by 2050, e.g. in the electricity sector.  Many local California jurisdictions have “climate action plans” targeting vehicle miles traveled and other transportation metrics.  In the buildings sector, California is working on “net zero” standards that would be applied to new residential buildings as soon as 2020. 

Poetry and Solar Energy

Poetry and Solar Energy

I realized it would have to be people individually choosing solar that would propel solar forward.  At the time solar resonated with people because they could imagine it as part of their lives, i.e. as an improvement.  My company was a monopoly.  It would get along just fine without improvements.  Yes, of course it could imagine changes in its business environment and needing to navigate them, but it couldn’t imagine actually initiating or creating the changes. 

Sustainability is Not an "Upgrade"

Sustainability is Not an "Upgrade"

VCAC representatives pointed out that on its current trajectory, The Cannery development will add significantly to the City’s carbon footprint unless a large percentage of initial home buyers opt for necessary upgrades.  They further pointed out that, while net zero energy can be cost-effectively achieved during initial construction, later retrofits aiming for net zero will be practically and economically unrewarding.  Incremental owner initiated solar array upgrades will be as much as two or three times more costly on a unit energy basis than their cost as part of the new construction process.